Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity

Dear Parents and Carers

Following on from Safer Internet Day, please see below a link for an online workshop that is available for all to access on ‘What makes young people vulnerable to online exploitation.

If you would like to join and find out more please click on the link at the end of the message.

Trust, relationships, wellbeing and vulnerability! – A free online workshop for professionals, parents and foster carers

Date: 16th of February 5.30pm -6.45pm, online on Microsoft Teams

Although you will see that this resource comes from WISE KIDS in conjunction with Barnados Cymru (Wales) we have been assured by colleagues at the Department of Education Sport and Culture that it is still applicable for us here on the IOM. Please accept our apologies for the late notice, we were only made aware of the workshop today.

The workshop will explore what makes young people vulnerable to online exploitation, and how we can best support them to thrive online and offline.

It will feature brief presentations from Sangeet Bhullar from WISE KIDS and Sharron Wareham from Barnados Cymru.

This will be followed by a discussion based on questions and answers which participants are invited to submit below OR at the time of registration.

If you have concerns about your child being exploited online then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us here at school, we have excellent links with a range of external partners and will try to help and point you in the right direction if the issue is broader than at school -