Castle Rushen High School

Care Quality Opportunity

Last Wednesday, the UCM community came together to celebrate the achievements of their Foundation Learning students, and two ex-CRHS pupils received top awards. It was a vibrant and uplifting evening filled with pride and admiration.

Robert, who left CRHS two years ago, was awarded "The Most Improved Full-time Learner" trophy. He will be undertaking a Horticultural course next year.

Caleb, who left CRHS last year, received the prestigious "Student of the Year" award. Caleb will be moving from General Studies to a Level 1 Vocational course next year. Both students' dedication and passion serve as an inspiration to us all.

The atmosphere was electric as friends, families, and mentors applauded the remarkable progress of the students.

The evening showcased the transformative power of education and the indomitable spirit of our island's learners. Their achievements remind us of the boundless possibilities when determination and hard work converge.

Congratulations to Robert, Caleb, and all the Foundation Learning students honored that night. May your journeys continue to be filled with triumphs and endless opportunities.