Castle Rushen High School

Care Quality Opportunity

The CRHS Swimming Gala splashed into action on Friday 22 March at the Southern Swimming Pool. Students eagerly jumped (and dived!) into the action-packed morning, showing off their talent, hard work, and good sportsmanship.

And you know what? The day glided along as smoothly as an Olympic swimmer.

The results:

  • 1st place – 384pts CARRICK
  • 2nd place – 455pts BRADDA
  • 3rd place – 483pts LANGNESS
  • 4th place – 532pts SCARLETT

Throughout each year there were individual winners for both boys and girls:

  • Y7: Jorja & Rhys
  • Y8: Ellie & Jacob
  • Y9: Ashton & Konrad
  • Y10: Libby & Abe
  • SNR: Ella-Grace & Charlie

A big shoutout must go to Libby, who won every race she participated in as well as creating 2 new school records:

  • Y10 Girls Backstroke.
    • Old Record: Emma (2017) – 33.66
    • New Record: Libby (2024) – 32.55
  • Y10 Girls Front Crawl
    • Old Record: Olivia (2018) – 30.00
    • New Record: Libby (2024) – 29.83

Well done to everyone who took part!