Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity

Dear Parent/Carer

Please see below for a message, which has been shared with your son/daughter, about them receiving their results on Thursday and attending Signing on for Sixth Form Day on Friday.

Many thanks

John Danielson
Curriculum Lead

Hi everyone
Just a final reminder that your results will be available at school from 0900 on Thursday.
Government currently strongly advises people to wear face coverings in crowded or enclosed spaces. When you come in on Thursday for your results, please be respectful of others’ personal space and the choices they make. Please avoid arriving too early and, once you have your results, don’t crowd the library. If you want to stay and chat you could go outside or up the stairs into the Sixth Form open area. We will be around to help if you need it. If you are worried about having to come in for your results please contact me and we’ll work out an alternative way to get them to you. Results days are usually at their busiest from 0900 – 0930 so come a bit later in the morning if you want to avoid the rush.
As a result of the community transmission of covid, we are making some modifications to our plans for Sixth Form signing on day, which is Friday 13 August. Experience from prior years tells us that, under our normal format, lengthy queues can form and take a long time to clear. We will therefore be dividing the morning up based on your surname, allocating an hour to sign on each of the four groups:
Surname starts with Group Please aim to arrive at school between
A - C Group 1 10:00 - 10:30
D - L Group 2 11:00 - 11:30
M - R Group 3 12:00 - 12:30
S - Z Group 4 13:00 - 13:30

It will be very helpful if you can come at the right time on Friday. If you can’t come then, or if you have worries about attending signing on day, please contact Mrs Astin ( for an alternative time/arrangement.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Kind regards
Mrs Miller