Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity

Following the recent A level results, Mr. Winstanley thanked his staff for their hard work and perseverance throughout the last two years in order to achieve such a fantastic outcome. In particularly he praised Mr. John Danielson and Mrs. Jody Astin for their perseverance and individual support to all the sixth formers.
Whilst all the students had worked hard and kept their focus, some deserve special merit, including one who overcame personal difficulties to secure an A* in PE and AA in double health and social care and another who overcame bereavement and family illness to achieve AAC through her own hard work and determination and the support of the school pastoral team.
A further student achieved the fabulous result of 4 A*s in Computer Science, Maths, Further Maths and Physics and demonstrated just how much can be achieved through focused, hard work and lastly, our Head Girl managed to combine official duties with studies and was rewarded with a place at Oxford University for her 2A* in Geography and Psychology and an A in Maths.