Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I wanted to provide you with some specific information in relation to the upcoming Maths early entry exam that your son/daughter has opted in for.


Just a reminder that the dates of the exam are fixed by the exam board. These are the 8th (Non Calculator) and 10th November (Calculator).

Additional Support

The following websites have excellent resources to support our students preparation for the exams - A collection of videos and worksheets for every single maths topic – WJEC exam board questions arranged by topic. This website also hosts all previous exam papers and mark schemes

There are drop in sessions on Wednesday lunchtime in Room 11 for students to come and ask questions about a particular topic. I will offer a similar session on Thursday lunchtime (1pm-1:30 in PS2).

I also plan to run a revision session during half-term for those who can make it. Details for this are still to be confirmed and I will be in touch with more information soon.

Topic Removal

You will have received an email from me last week outlining topics that have been removed from the maths exams next summer. I can confirm that these topics will also not be assessed in these November exams either.


Students should take this early entry seriously and prepare for it accordingly. I would expect students to be completing at least a past paper a week and learning from their mistakes and correcting before attempting another paper. The websites that I have indicated above will help with this. Students should also come to lessons prepared and ready to learn. We reserve the right to remove the entry should a student not fully focus in lessons, not completing work and be at risk of not achieving a grade commensurate with their ability.

I hope you have found the above information useful and please do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s Maths teacher on 693500 or through should you require any other information.

Mr Jonathan Brookes

Subject Team Leader for Mathematics and Digital Learning Lead