Castle Rushen High School

Care Quality Opportunity

In an inspiring display of community spirit, the Sixth Form students at Castle Rushen High School recently organised a series of successful events, raising an impressive sum of £2093.77 for local charity, Isle Listen.

The fundraising initiative kicked off with 40 Sixth Form students participating in Isle Listen’s inaugural and very successful Tough Mucka event. Following this, Sixth Form students independently planned and executed a series of events for younger year groups within the school, namely a Year 7 Halloween Disco and a Movie Night for our Year 9 students. These events not only fostered a sense of unity among the students but also provided an opportunity for everyone to contribute to a cause that resonates with the community. Our students tested their own resilience, showed initiative and demonstrated that helping a good cause can also be really good fun!

The funds raised will undoubtedly help in supporting Isle Listen's mission to support the mental health and well-being of young people on our Island. This remarkable achievement not only highlights the generosity and initiative of the Sixth Form students but also reflects the supportive and community-minded culture fostered at Castle Rushen High School.

Pictured are KS5 students who participated in a range of fundraising events, along with Mrs Jody Astin, Head of Sixth Form, Juan Christian from Isle Listen, Mrs Nicola Kennedy, Deputy Headteacher and Mr Keith Winstanley, Headteacher of CRHS.