Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity

Many congratulations to CRHS students receiving their GCSE and equivalent qualifications results today. They all deserve huge credit for persevering with their studies during these difficult and confusing times. I am sure they will join me in thanking their teachers, who have worked with great professionalism and commitment to support them throughout the pandemic and assess them for these important qualifications following the cancellation of the public exams for the second year in a row. We have used a range of evidence to make a holistic judgement on appropriate grades for students and these judgements have been subjected to the highest quality assurance processes throughout.

We are proud of all our students, some of the notable achievements include a girl who achieved 10As and a distinction in Additional Maths, another girl with 7A*s, 3As and a distinction in Additional Maths and a boy who secured 6A*s, 2As, 1B and a distinction in Additional Maths. Well done indeed!

However, we are equally pleased to say that the vast majority of our students have earned the grades that will allow them to take their preferred next step so we look forward to welcoming students back to CRHS 6th form as well as bidding a fond farewell to those who have opted for employment or studies elsewhere.