Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity

iGCSE English Language


Term of Study

Topic Covered


Autumn Term

Informative CW – Film Review

Introduction to the Exam: Q1

Poetry Anthology

Descriptive CW – Place/Setting

Novel of choice – Literature CW

W: Film Review

W: Describe a Place

R: Response to Q1

W: Essay question based on novel of study.

Spring Term

Poetry Anthology

Informative CW – Don’t get me started on...

Exam Technique: Q1-3

Response to a text CW – Lott/Udorie/Street-Porter

W: Don’t get me started on...

R: Response to Past Papers Q1-2

R/W: Response to text.

Summer Term

Poetry Anthology – Literature CW


Preparation for Yr10 mock-examinations

Redraft selected coursework pieces

W: Essay question based on a selection of poems studied.

R: Past Papers Q1-3

W: Improve CW portfolio

R/W: Year 10 Mock Exams.

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Year 10

Year 10

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