Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity

GCSE Drama

Year 10 DRAMA

Term of Study

Topic Covered


Autumn Term

Unit 1

Workshop Process

  • Experimenting with and learning about the key tools, techniques and practices related to key practitioners and theatre companies
  • To examine and explore key stimuli provided by WJEC ahead of the creating process
  • Unit 1
    – Preparation

Spring Term

Unit 1

Devising Process & Final Performance

  • Smaller, mixed ability groups to then split up and begin the devising process in response to the chosen stimulus
  • Reflective booklets created during the creative process
  • Final performance and significant moment portfolio & evaluation to be carried out
  • Actor & designer roles available for the devising process
  • Unit 1
    – Perform, reflect, evaluate

    Worth 40% of overall GCSE

Summer Term

Unit 3

  • Reading the set text for study in Section A of Unit 3
  • Exploring the major themes, characters and content of the the set text
  • Examining the context of the set text
  • Analysising and evaluating Live Theatre – in prepaion for Section B of Unit 3: Live Theatre Review
  • Unit 3
  • Preparation

Final Exam- Worth 40% of overall GCSE

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Year 10

Year 10

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