Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity

iGCSE Music

Year 10 IGCSE Music: 2018-19


Term of Study

Topic Covered


Autumn Term

  • Elements of Music
  • Composition skills
  • General listening (Baroque/Classical)
  • Music Theory
  • On going assessments to support practical, composition and Listening work.

Spring Term

  • General listening (Romantic/20th Century)
  • World Music
  • Performance skills
  • Composition skills
  • On going assessments to support practical, composition and Listening work.

Summer Term

  • Practice listening questions
  • Preparation for Composition 1
  • Solo Performances.
  • Monday 17th June 2019- Solo performances
  • Friday 12th July 2019- Submission of Composition 1

Year 10 Key Dates: Coursework/Folder Checks/Year 10 Exam

Solo performances: To be completed week beginning Monday 17th June 2019

Composition 1: To be completed and submitted by Friday 12th July 2019

Year 10 Listening Exam: Tuesday 18th & Friday 21st June

Folder Checks: Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Tuesday 18th December 2018

Tuesday 5th February 2019

Tuesday 2nd April 2019

Tuesday 11th June 2019

Lesson Content:

Mon (Period 2)

Tuesday (Period 4)

Friday (Period 1)

Mr Deakin

-Listening (Western)




Miss Davies

-(World Music)

- Theory

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Year 10

Year 10

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