Castle Rushen High School

Care, Quality, Opportunity

French KS5 Transition Work

In order to prepare yourself for the A level French course it would be beneficial if you were to complete some of the activities given below. Please feel free to pop down to the MFL office and pick up any resources you need.

  • Log onto the internet and catch up with the following series on 4OD.
    • 21 (a Swiss drama about illegal gambling)
    • Mafiosa (a gripping crime drama about Mafia clans on Corsica)
    • Les revenants (the returned, a mind-bending series based in the French Alps.)
  • Have a look at what is going on in France using either of the websites below:
  • Try to keep your grammar up to date by completing some of the grammar exercises at:
  • Keep an eye on the itslearning website through the department wiki at Over the summer break a page will be built specifically for the A level students.

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