Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity

Remembrance Sunday 2024
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Thank you to our head students Louis and Sam who represented the school at the Remembrance Sunday service held yesterday at Castletown Methodist Hall. Both students did readings during the service and a wreath was laid on behalf of the school. We remember those who serve to protect our democratic f…

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CRHS students shine in photography competition
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We're thrilled to announce that three talented Castle Rushen High School students have had their stunning images selected for the Young Photographer of Mann 2025 calendar! The competition, organized by the Rushen and Western Mann Rotary Club, showcases the best young photographers in the Isle of Ma…

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Attendance - calculating your lost learning hours
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As a school we are focusing on improving student attendance figures because time off school reduces the number of hours students spend learning. In the September to October half term there were 38 days of school in total, equating to 190 hours of lesson time. The table below shows you the number of…

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Students take part in Tough Mucka event in aid of Isle Listen
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Around 70 CRHS students from Y11,12 and 13 took part in the Tough Mucka event, raising funds and awareness for Isle Listen. This charity supports many students in primary and secondary schools across the island. Well done to all the students who were a credit to the school throughout. They encapsul…

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Sixth Form Raise Money for Macmillan Cancer Support
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Sixth Form students have hosted a coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. They baked a huge selection of treats, which was just as well, as they had a fantastic turn out. Macmillan provides services for people living with cancer at every stage of their cancer experience. They pr…

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Year 7 Halloween Disco Thursday 24th October 5pm
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The Year 7 Halloween Disco will be held on Thursday 24th October at 5pm in the school hall. Tickets cost £2 with all monies being donated to Isle Listen. Next week, 6th Formers will be heading round the Year 7 tutor groups to sell tickets for the disco. The backs of the tickets must be completed by…

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Students bake Harvest Sheaf for Harvest in the Barn
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Well done to SC4 students Josh, Robert and Olivia for creating a stunning harvest sheaf in their DT class. The sheaf featured in the Glen Maye 'Harvest in the Barn' Mhelliah, raising funds for God for All and the Guide Dogs for the Blind. Class teacher, Mrs Lace said, 'Their work and enthusiasm for…

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