Castle Rushen High School

Care, Quality, Opportunity

Year 7 Football Victory
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On Wednesday 17 April our Year 7 football B team won the IOM School Football B-Team Championships! They trained so hard last term and it showed, as their dedication led them to victory. Well done!

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Ski Trip it happens!
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Ski Trip Photos APRICA Day 1 and 2: An energetic bunch of Year 10’s made their way to Aprica on Saturday. We arrived at our hotel just in time for dinner before a chill evening. Easter Sunday was full of excitement as we had a jam packed day of skiing ahead. From nursery slopes to black runs, the k…

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Making A Splash at the CRHS Swimming Gala
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The CRHS Swimming Gala splashed into action on Friday 22 March at the Southern Swimming Pool. Students eagerly jumped (and dived!) into the action-packed morning, showing off their talent, hard work, and good sportsmanship. And you know what? The day glided along as smoothly as an Olympic swimmer.…

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Ronan Harrison Football Tournament 2024
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As part of our CRHS tradition, Year 7 students took part in the annual Ronan Harrison Football Tournament on Wednesday 27 March. They competed in their tutor groups for the title of 2024 Champions. Congratulations to the winning team, 7CHS! Well done to everyone involved, and thank you to the Year…

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Charity Challenge Runners-up and Advocacy Award Winners 2024
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A group of CRHS students took part in the One World Centre Charity Challenge final at the Ramsey Innovation Centre on Tuesday 26 March. Competing against students from all secondary schools on the island, the CRHS team represented Village Africa, aiming to secure funding for the charity. Though the…

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Duke of Edinburgh Awards Evening 2024
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We're thrilled to announce the achievements of CRHS students who attended the 2024 Duke of Edinburgh Awards Evening at the Gaiety Theatre this Tuesday.. It was a night to celebrate their hard work and dedication. In total, 51 of our students received awards, with 32 earning Bronze and 19 receiving…

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2024 Senior Netball Champions
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CRHS are once again Senior Netball Champions! The team has had a remarkable season with a full set of wins in every game played. This success is a testament to the relentless efforts put in by each of them as they have all been training two or three mornings before school every week since October.…

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Year 10 Expo Event
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On Monday 18th March, Year 10 students will be taking part in an Expo event. During the day, their normal timetabled lessons will be suspended and students will take part in interactive sessions delivered by the Police, Road Policing Unit, Isle Listen, Motiv8 and St John Ambulance. The aim of the d…

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