Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity

Exam Results Days 2023
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Cambridge A level results will be available electronically on 10th August. Cambridge IGCSE results will be available electronically on 16th August. Login details will be posted home before the end of term which will allow students to access Cambridge results online. Support will be available in sch…

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Celebrating Creativity: A Night of Art, Design & Textiles
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Our recent Art, Design & Textiles Evening was a remarkable celebration of creativity, showcasing the outstanding talents of our students. We extend our thanks to everyone who attended, and offer our congratulations to the students whose work was displayed. The Art, Design & Textiles Evening brought…

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Our First Skills Centre 3 Duke of Edinburgh Expedition
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Students from our Specialist Provision Centre (known in school as Skills Centre 3) recently embarked on its inaugural Duke of Edinburgh Expedition, marking a significant milestone in our students' outdoor journeys. After meticulous preparation, the group left school, trekked to Mullin Ny Carty, set…

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Calling all unwanted PE Kit!
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As the Year 11s sign off next Friday, the PE department would benefit from any kind donations of old/unwanted PE kit that is no longer used. This would hugely help support many of our students at times of such high living costs. All donations can be left at the CRHS reception or bough straight to t…

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Dr. Fiona Gell Inspires Students to Conserve the Marine Ecosystem
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Dr. Fiona Gell, renowned marine biologist and author of "Spring Tides," recently visited our school to share her invaluable experiences as the Isle of Man's marine biologist. Her inspiring session, which took place on Monday, left an indelible mark on our Year 12 Geographers and Biologists. Through…

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Tynwald Day Schools Parade - Students Needed
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Every year students from across the island's school take part in the Tynwald Day Schools Parade. If your son/daughter would like to represent CRHS in the parade please have a look at this letter and return the consent slip by Friday 30 June. Copies of the letter are also available from reception. T…

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Would you like to be our Parent Governor?
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We need a parent to sit on our Governing Body as a Parent Governor for an interim period, from 1 September 2023 until 31 December 2023. If you are interested please open this document for more information. Interim Parent Governor Election 2023

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