Castle Rushen High School

Care, Quality, Opportunity

Getting Creative
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Students interested in a pathway or career in a creative industry took part in an event on Tuesday organised by Inspiring the Future. 30 students had the opportunity to listen to and ask questions of both local and national volunteers, who delivered presentations, discussed their pathway and backgr…

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Reach for the Stars
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HS Students Daniel Millward and Michael Behram spent two weeks in Houston over the summer, taking part in NASA's United Space School and working with students from over 20 other counties. The students won an annual competition run by the ManSat Group, who each year sponsors students to attend the S…

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CRHS Final week of term - Uniform Information
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Due to the forecasted weather for this final week of term, it has been decided that all students will not be required to wear full school uniform. However, it is requested that all students should wear appropriate clothing (ie no jeans, crop tops etc). For the final day of this term, Friday 22nd Ju…

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Bus 66 Disruption 18th - 28th July
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Please be advised that we have just received notice of a disruption to the afternoon Service 66 bus from School because of the closure of a short section between the Orrisdale Road junction and St. Marks for water main installation works. Bus Vannin have requested that parents please contact the DO…

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Bus Information Southern 100 Road Closure Thursday 14th July PM
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SOUTHERN 100 ROAD CLOSURES THURSDAY 14TH JULY Due to the Southern 100 road closures tomorrow afternoon please see below for bus information. Service 60, 62, 63, 64 & 66 all operate – departing as close to 12:50 as possible. Due to timetable constraints, Students for Ballamodha need to make their wa…

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