Castle Rushen High School

Care, Quality, Opportunity

More Success in the Pool
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For two Year 9 students, two consecutive weekends of intense swimming competition just wasn't enough. Last weekend they travelled to the UK to compete in the Wirral Metro Swimming Gala, competing against swimmers from across the North West. Libby and Kaya performed incredibly well against some toug…

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Isle of Man Swimming Championships 2022
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The last two weekends saw the island's most prestigious event in the IOM swimming calendar - the Isle of Man Swimming Championships, sponsored by Utmost Wealth Solutions. This is the only swimming event that invites teams from the island's secondary schools & UCM to compete in relay events, and we…

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Running Funny for Charity
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What do Mario, Minecraft, traffic cones, sharks, ET, the rapper Pitbull and a whoopee cushion have in common? They all took part in today's Senior Cross Country. Students in Years 11, 12 and 13 donned their finest fancy dress before braving the elements, running up hill and down dale (well, through…

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Employability & Skills Fair Winners
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Students who attended the recent Employability & Skills Fair at the Villa Marina were invited to enter a competition run by Paragon Recruitment. They were required show their research on different businesses. CRHS students Amelie and Jamie won, and were commended by Paragon for their excellent resp…

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2022 Maths Symposium
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Our Year 12 maths students went to Ramsey Grammar School on Friday to take part in the annual Maths Symposium. They watched a recorded lecture by Mr Ian Wright, who led the mathematical modelling for the Manx Government during the COVID pandemic. In the afternoon they joined students from the other…

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MS Office is free for students
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Students in the Isle of Man Education System are able to download the Microsoft Office 365 software for free. If you are investing in a digital device, you don't have to worry about the added expense of Microsoft Word, Excel, Teams, OneNote and PowerPoint. Please see the poster below for informatio…

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Year 11 Parents' Information Evening
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Thank you to everyone who attend the Year 11 Parents' Information Evening last week. We hope you found it helpful. A copy of the presentation delivered by key staff can be found below. Year 11 Parents' Information Evening PPT

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